It's time to wake up. You're still a little tired. Really, you want to take a nap.(set: $brushed to false)(set: $coffee to 0)(set: $meals to 0)(set: $anxiety to 0)(set: $dishes to false)(set: $tired to 0)
You have some very normal tasks to accomplish today: have your coffee, eat at least a couple of meals, make it through three classes and hopefully be well rested for tomorrow (ha ha). Let's get started.
[[Get out of bed and get dressed.|coffee on]]
[[Or... you could go back to sleep.|sleep in]](set: $tired to 1)You get out of bed, put your clothes on, and get ready for class. The sleep still hasn't left you yet. Maybe some coffee will help. You don't have any instant, so it's a little bit more of a process.
[[Put the coffee on!|drink coffee]]
[[I could just get a few more minutes of sleep instead?|dont bother with coffee]] (set: $coffee to it + 1)You make a nice cup of coffee on the stovetop. It smells good, but it takes a little bit of time to brew. You're tempted to catch a few more minutes of shut-eye while you wait.
[[Wait for your coffee.|class 1]]
[[Even shutting your eyes for a few minutes might help.|cold coffee]] You drink your coffee and make it to class on time, slightly energized.
Class is a little tiring. It's tempting not to pay attention...
[[I'm writing an amazing story in my head and my jacket is REALLY comfy and my chair is pretty far in the back so no one is looking directly at me, maybe I'll just...|sleep in class]]
[[No! Stay focused!|lunch time]]
(set: $tired to 1)You made it through class! You have a bit of time between it and your next class. Time for lunch. You're just beginning to get hungry. Is it time for a second coffee, too? On the other hand, there's a really comfortable armchair in this room, so you could grab a nap before your second class.
[[For $7, buy lunch|delicious]]
[[For $11, buy lunch and a coffee|coffee will help]]
[[TAKE! A! NAP!|sleep for lunch]] Your second class is ridiculously boring. Plus it's group work, which nobody has ever liked, ever.
[[You can make it through, though.|class 3 and go home]]
[[Or can you? Naptime, bitches!!!|sleep through 2]] (set: $tired to it + 1)Concentrating on your last class of the day is always the hardest. There's a weird energy and your mind is on other things. In response, you decide to...
[[take a nap|locked in]]
[[really draw any remaining energy to muscle through it and go home|make dinner]]
(set: $tired to it + 1)You've arrived home! Congratulations! (probably)
You're hungry and tired. But making dinner... is also tiring. Which of these biological needs is going to take precedent?!
[[eating, even if it also means cooking|eat dinner]]
[[sleep for dinner]] (set: $meals to it + 1)(set: $dishes to false)(set: $tired to it + 1)You make and eat dinner. You're exhausted. A pile of dishes in the sink looks at you menacingly. It has developed a sense of self and many foul political opinions. It feels unfair that you're required to debate with it.
[[you gotta do the dishes bucko|do dishes]]
[[it IS unfair. i'm not doing it|fuck the dishes]] (set: $dishes to true)(set: $tired to it + 1)Good on you. It takes some fighting, but you defeat the beast.
[[Time to brush your teeth.|brush teeth]]Actually, will you brush your teeth? Is it really necessary? What if dentistry is a scam? Why are your mouth bones so expensive to maintain?
[[brush your teeth, dude|brushed]]
[[it's BEDTIME and cavities ARENT REAL, MOM|go to sleep]]Tomorrow is a new day! How did you do?
Dental score: (if: $brushed is true)[Squeaky clean](if: $brushed is false and $coffee is 0)[A little scuzzy, but you'll live](if: $brushed is false and $coffee is 1)[Getting kinda gross, dude](if: $brushed is false and $coffee is 2)[Absolutely disgusting. you really should have brushed your teeth]. You drank $coffee cup(s) of coffee.
Hunger score: (if: $meals is 2)[Totally fine.](if: $meals is 1)[You still feel a little hungry.](if: $meals is 0)[You're so hungry you can barely sleep.] You ate $meals meal(s).
Anxiety score: (if: $anxiety is 0)[You feel good about your accomplishments today](if: $anxiety is 1)[You're a little anxious about your missed class](if: $anxiety is 2)[You're very nervous and feel like you have a lot of catching up to do.](if: $anxiety is 3)[You are so anxious you've crossed the other side into some sort of Nirvana state]. You missed $anxiety of your three classes.
In total, you did $tired exhausting tasks today. Hope that doesn't bite you in the butt tomorrow! (if: $dishes is false)[Also, you left a sink full of dirty dishes for yourself. You monster.]
[[Play again?|start]]You drastically oversleep. It's already lunchtime when you wake up. That doesn't feel great.
[[lunch at home]](set: $meals to it + 1)(set: $anxiety to it + 1)
You have lunch. You still have enough time to make it to your second class. Missing the first one won't hurt too bad.
[[Off to school! Only a few hours late!|class 2]]
Or.... what if [[you took another nap?|are you kidding me]] Sleep is nature's coffee. You take a nap and you're still able to run to school.
[[Time for your first class!|class 1]] You intended to just close your eyes for a minute, but you've somehow slept through your first class entirely! Your coffee is cold, but you can drink it anyway.
No reason to leave yet - might as well have [[lunch at home]] first.(set: $anxiety to it + 1)
Inevitably, you doze off. You feel a little anxious when you awaken to find the classroom empty. It's time for your second class already - you seem to have slept through lunch.
[[Second time's a charm!|class 2]] The armchair was very comfortable, but it was also the Great Betrayer. You slept through your second class. You're also starving.
(set: $anxiety to it + 1)
[[You can still go to your third class.|class 3 and go home]] By the time you wake up, school has ended. You are horrified to discover you've been locked in the building. It doesn't feel great. You should probably try to find a member of faculty to see if you can get let out.
(set: $anxiety to it + 1)
[[I think one of the janitors and I have a good rapport|let out]]
[[But what if... I took another nap?|are you kidding me]] That was not a good idea. You're hungry and it's 9 PM. Nothing to eat without cooking it, so...
[[Might as well brush your teeth and go back to bed. |brush teeth]] (set: $anxiety to it + 2)
That wasn't your most brilliant move. Not only did you doze off halfway through your second class, but it seems to be time to go home already. Wasn't there a third class today?
All you can do is head home to [[make dinner]].Fuck the dishes. That's a problem for tomorrow's you!
You've almost made it. Just need to [[brush your teeth|brush teeth]] and you can go to bed.Are you fucking kidding me? You want to go back to sleep again? Hit the back button. You absolute animal.
I said, [[take a FUCKING nap]] You take a nap.
You awake surrounded by the rubble of human civilization. Eons have passed. The world around you is overgrown, bereft of intelligent life. Stray dogs ten-generations removed roam the streets, more like wolves than anything. You missed all your classes. You missed everything. No one has ever napped like you have. You're like a martyr for the cause of going the hell to sleep. You are Napdab, second king of ancient zzz-rael. You are Jesus Fucking Christ I'm Having Yet Another Nap, the leader of the twelve Napostles.
Great job, genius. Might as well take another nap.
Dental score: (if: $brushed is true)[Squeaky clean](if: $brushed is false and $coffee is 0)[A little scuzzy, but you'll live](if: $brushed is false and $coffee is 1)[Getting kinda gross, dude](if: $brushed is false and $coffee is 2)[Absolutely disgusting. You really should have brushed your teeth]. You drank $coffee cup(s) of coffee.
Hunger score: (if: $meals is 2)[Totally fine.](if: $meals is 1)[You still feel a little hungry.](if: $meals is 0)[You're so hungry you can barely sleep.] You ate $meals meal(s).
Anxiety score: Normally, this would have been influenced by your number of missed classes. But the world ended, so in a way, you're more at peace than ever.
In total, you did $tired exhausting tasks today. If you're not worried about tomorrow anymore, I guess that doesn't matter at all. (if: $dishes is false)[Also, you left a sink full of dirty dishes for yourself. You monster.]
[[Play again?|start]]
(set: $tired to it + 1)You manage to get let out and go home. It's much too late for dinner, but you can brush your teeth and go to bed.
[[I guess let's do that.|brush teeth]] (set: $coffee to it + 1) (set: $meals to it + 1)God, you're so right. God, you're so fucking smart. Coffee good.
[[Time for your second class.|class 2]] (set: $brushed to true)(set: $tired to it + 1)Your mouth no longer feels hairy. Sleep is your reward.
[[Claim your reward!|go to sleep]] (set: $meals to it + 1)(set: $tired to it + 1)You feel reasonably frugal even though you're spending $7 on some chicken nuggets and chips.
[[Time for your second class.|class 2]]